self-study program for aspiring coaches & healers

Business Soul Strategy


Land your first high-ticket clients

with The proven system for Transforming

your low-end hustle into a sustainable Premium business. 

You've been the "lone wolf"

for far too long...

  • Scouring the internet for freebies, studying every move of your coaching gurus on Instagram, and attempting to mimic it all from the comfort of your living room. It's a tough puzzle to crack when you're constantly feeling like you're on the sidelines of a $20 billion industry.

  • Lately, you've been nearing the end of the shooting-arrows-in-the-dark approach, and it feels like you're drowning in the sea of complicated options. You can’t seem to decide on your niche or a "brand message" because your expertise can help so many people in countless ways!

  • You're not afraid to do the work, but you’re done wasting countless hours and effort on your “biz” that we both know right now is not more than an inspirational hobby than a Soul-aligned, kick-ass, cash-churning real business.

  • You're beyond ready for a conscious mentor who gets spirituality AND lives and breathes this industry with hundreds of clients, to lead you through her methodology so you can finally ditch the overwhelm and consolidate your efforts on implementing something that works.

You SHOULD be getting paid premium for your Soul superpowers!

But actually picking a Niche, dialing in your Offer, and packaging it up in a way that feels good has seemed impossible . . .

But guess what? It's time to conquer that mountain! I’ve got what you need.

It's the most soul-led path that aligns with your essence

You shouldn't have to become someone else to have a profitable business! Grounding your Gifts in a practical simple method and aligning it to your energetics – that’s what takes you from ZERO to 6-figures and beyond in a Soul-aligned way.

Positioning yourself in the market based on your unique expertise is the key to no longer having to chase after clients. You become a sought-after go-to coach, mentor, healer, eliminating competition. If you can clearly articulate the value of your Gifts, you make your message so magnetic that your ideal clients show up pre-sold and are ready to buy without any convincing from you.

What you need is NOT the latest new tactic, NOT more inspirational free content, and NOT another certification to prove your worth! You need:

☑️Crystal-clear message to position yourself beyond any competition;
☑️Irresistible premium offer that is based on your unique Expertise;
☑️Personal self-mastery to elevate & expand your wealth capacity to receive.

And I know...

You have a million Questions screaming in your mind right now . . .

✴️ Will anybody actually pay me for this?
✴️ What's the appropriate price?
✴️ If I narrow down to one niche, won't I be limiting my ability to get clients?
✴️ How do I explain what I do if its unexplainable?!
✴️ Do I need to launch a course first, or should I start with 1-on-1 offer?
✴️ I don’t mind doing the work, but how do I make my business feel good?
✴️ Should I focus on the latest trends, like Tik-Tok or AI, so I don’t miss out?
✴️ What if my insecurities come up when I expand and become visible?
✴️ How do I grow my business without burning out?

It's about time to take your business out of the frantic hustle mode – into a sustainable, spacious, and Soul-aligned system.

Now Relax and Imagine…


Feeling confident about your expertise, clear on what to say to be seen as the go-to choice.


Your first high-ticket clients DM-ing you and asking how they can sign up right away.


Charging a worthy price to work with you – and having people actually pay it.


Choosing who you work with and feeling your capacity to attract and hold wealth expand.


Getting pair for the work you love. No more side jobs or living on corporate savings.

Imagine a business that's not just

Soul-aligned and sustainable






Your Program Here

Your awesome tagline that is super cool and clever goes right here.


Business Soul Strategy


In this program

you’ll land in your Niche,

clarify your Gifts and Soul Expertise,

package them into your first high-end offer,

Grow your audience, influence, & wealth

and start singing your first premium clients with ease.

welcome to your soul-led biz:

♦️ Module 1:


With this step alone, how will resetting your wealth baseline and leveling up your mindset kick-start your business?

What if you knew the secrets behind those magnetic online personalities who effortlessly draw in buyers? Because without this crucial element, building a 6-figure brand is like trying to drive a car without fuel...

Walk Away With:

  • Tap into your creative genius to lay the groundwork for a brand that commands attention.

  • Learn what you must embody for your message to attract ideal clients and feel frictionless.

  • Elevate your Soul Mission confidence to operate at a whole new level of power and magnetism.

Walk Away With:

  • Frame-out your own business strategy that matches your unique Soul Design needs.

  • Uncover what you want to be known for and how position yourself in the marketplace.

  • Understand how to hold space and be kind to yourself without sabotaging your business flow.

♦️ Module 2:


How does this step save you from the agony of wasting years and heaps of cash on convoluted business models that only add chaos to your life?

I'll map out the exact path my clients and I use to go from zero to multi-6 figures – without sleazy sales tactics, monthly new offer launches, or massive teams.

Walk Away With:

  • Clarify your unique Methodology and create a signature system that guides your clients along a clear path.

  • Create a high-ticket Premium Offer that streamlines your marketing, delivery, and profits.

  • Expand your energetic Wealth capacity by owning the worth of your Mission and charging higher fees.

♦️ Module 3:


With this step alone, how do you see this solving your Niche problem? What if there was a Niche that sets your Soul on fire?

How uncovering why broadcasting the myriad of your skills repels premium clients and what you must do instead to magnetically attract them will help you?

Walk Away With:

  • Save yourself the mistakes most coaches make, learn what attracts Soul-aligned clients.

  • Permanently free yourself from limited mindset about Niche by leveraging unique relatability.

  • Activate the link between your expertise and people who already have Soul Contracts for your Gifts.

Walk Away With:

  • Discover what makes your offer premium, and how your unique Gifts fit in.

  • Extract your specific process of predictably locking in clients’ results.

  • How to make your offer so desirable and irresistible so your ideal clients pay any price.

  • Learn to speak and write compelling content that connects to the hearts of your audience and communicates the value of your work.

  • Powerfully shift your internal state and manifest your Vision with efficient and deliberate Soul-aligned actions.

  • Choose an organic market strategy that reaches and connects with your ideal audience while staying true to your brand.

♦️ Module 4:


What would change in your business if you knew exactly what to include in your offer, so your ideal clients say ‘yes’?

What if you could permanently cure your imposter syndrome? How will clarity on your signature methodology simplify explaining the value of your work?

Walk Away With:

  • Learn to speak and write compelling content that connects to the hearts of your audience and communicates the value of your work.

  • Powerfully shift your internal state and manifest your Vision with efficient and deliberate Soul-aligned actions.

  • Choose an organic market strategy that reaches and connects with your ideal audience while staying true to your brand.

Walk Away With:

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

♦️ Module 5:


How will this step alone help you raise your rates without second-guessing? In what way will clarity on how your intangible Gifts fit into the higher-end market affect your revenue?

We’ll look at where Soul-aligned pricing comes from, anchor your superpowers, and help you step into the energetics of worthiness and wealth.

Walk Away With:

  • Discover a whole new way of looking at pricing that’ll allow you to confidently charge higher fees.

  • Expand your Wealth Container and clear out any scarcity blocks in a way of receiving larger sums of money.

  • Price your offer in integrity and perfect alignment to the true value of your work.

Walk Away With:

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

Walk Away With:

  • Discover the power of converting content and call-to-action so you attract pre-sold clients.

  • Uncover the subconscious patterns and specific scarcity energetics behind objections.

  • Learn what energetics to embody and what words to say to prevent any objections.

♦️ Module 6:


How do you see this step solving your sales & objections problem?

What if you knew exactly why some coaches sell easily while others struggle, convince, or have to chase after leads? You can stop searching for some magic script and actually enroll clients even if their doubt comes up on the sales call.

Walk Away With:

  • Streamline your operations and delivery to elevate your business.

  • Quantum leap into the premium market and the ultimate timeline of your Future, filled with financial freedom and grounded certainty.

  • Gather a rockstar team and focus on your zone of genius to scale your business to the next level.

♦️ Module 7:


In what way will clarity on what to say to attract ideal clients, and what you might currently be saying that repels them, change your business?

Say goodbye to inspirational and educational messaging as we infuse your content with the larger vision that converts into buyers.

Walk Away With:

  • Get clear on distilled principles of your method that narrow your content for conversions.

  • Ignite your message as you bridge what your clients feel with where they want to be.

  • Step into authentic self-expression, paired with solid strategy, and deeply connect to clients’ hearts.

Walk Away With:

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

  • Bullet point goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem

Walk Away With:

  • Attract the first round of hot leads for your offer without having to chase after them.

  • Learn my signature market research strategy that actually gets you clients naturally!

  • Ground your Gifts in free trainings that warm up your audience and lead to the easy sale of your offer.

♦️ Module 8:


How will this step alone simplify the process of attracting qualified leads into your world?

How knowing very simple marketing principles that you can experiment with right away changes your business? What if you could finally exhale knowing that there is always another client on the way?

Walk Away With:

  • Streamline your operations and delivery to elevate your business.

  • Quantum leap into the premium market and the ultimate timeline of your Future, filled with financial freedom and grounded certainty.

  • Gather a rockstar team and focus on your zone of genius to scale your business to the next level.

What other coaches say about

working with eugenia

Ex-corporate exec turned Herbalist & got from $80 sessions to 6+ figures

Young mom went from $100 sessions to $1200 group & $12k offer

From undervaluing her gifts to selling three $10K offers with ease

From $200 sessions to $22k in just 3 months with LESS work

From frustration to deep personal upgrade into a real business

From psychotherapy practice to 6+ figures with LESS work

about eugenia oganova

I'm a business strategist & marketing energetics coach.

I've helped hundreds of clients activate momentum, catalyze awakening, and fast-track business success, turning timelines of decades into mere months.

I've been featured in over 100 publications, became an international best-selling author of 4 books, generated multiple 7-figures of revenue working with clients around the world. I'm also clairvoyant since birth.

I specialize in helping online coaches dramatically increase their monthly income, be it by $10k or a $100k depending on your business level, all without the added pressure, sacrificing personal well-being, or succumbing to the dreaded burnout.

My method paves the way for attracting high-ticket clients through clear and compelling messaging, strategic alignment, and the power of energetics, eliminating the need for client chasing.

  • Over the past 20+ years my clients have transformed their lives, 10x the value of their investment, and activated their unique profit potential.

  • I work with the top 1% of the 1% – my clients are the most self-aware people on the planet, here to serve humanity at the highest level – conscious coaches on a mission.

  • I walk my talk. I will show you your blind spots, challenge you to expand what you believe is possible for you, and offer direct guidance because I see all the aspects of the lifetime in the Quantum Field clearly and know exactly how to help you shift to the next level of your brilliance.

  • You’re in good hands. Period.

This Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method is unique.

I'm not your typical Business Coach ...

  • As a clairvoyant, I understand multi-D realm, and my teachings are specifically tailored for coaches who sell the “intangible” .

  • As a successful CEO of my own empire for almost 3 decades, I’ve seen all the mistakes and can help you efficiently avoid them.

I teach timeless strategies ...

  • I blend spirituality, human psychology, and solid business strategy – my method works on any platform, for any niche, years from now!

  • This strategy can be applied to create and sell premium anything: 1:1 offer, a Group program, a VIP day, even a Course or a Mastermind.

My Method empowers you to ...

  • Scale your business from the place of your ultimate Future Identity that generates sustainable momentum.

  • Source your success from the Quantum Field which manifests frictionless Soul-led prosperity.

You'll experience...

  • Believing in yourself and the next level of power and confidence in your Gifts.

  • Dive into an incredible clarity and heart-alignment with your Niche frequency.

  • Feel the relief that comes from knowing what to do to sell your offers with integrity.

  • Bask in the magic of ideal clients attracted to your words and energy.

  • Do a happy dance when a client pays the premium price without objections.

  • Step into Abundance – no more free sessions, exchanges, or one-offs.

This is what You receive

when you get

Business Soul Strategy Foundations:

an entire program immidiately available in the study vault

8 step-by-step modules

this program will help you land your first high-ticket clients at $3k-$5k and step into running an online Soul-led coaching business that matches your vision. This is the no-fluff grounded foundational pieces you’ve been missing: claim your superpowers and your niche, craft and price your high-ticket offer, learn how to position your message online, and start attracting your first clients.

You'll also get plenty of mindset and energetic codes to help you fully embody your next level and maintain focus on the steps needed to realize your conscious future: a clear roadmap outlining the essential elements for building a successful 6-figure coaching business.

Plus these awesome Bonuses:

Super thorough step-by-step process

Building a list filled with premium leads


Want to have raving fans eager to snatch up your premium offer? Whether you're starting from scratch or already have an audience, here's the fastest route: tapping into other people's audiences! When your name or freebie comes recommended by someone they trust, prospects instantly warm up to you. Appearing on podcasts, shows, events, or blogs, and participating in giveaways or lead-magnet swaps amplifies your brand status, snowballing your reach. But here's the kicker: most people bungle this, attracting the wrong crowd that won’t buy and wasting time. My system, detailed in this e-book, meticulously builds premium audiences from scratch. It's how you transition from the best-kept-secret to a sought-after brand!

a 13-training course to speed up signing clients

Quantum Client Attraction


This course will show you exactly how to unite practical client-getting activities with internal energetic alignments to become a client magnet. You’ll learn more on how to attract dream clients without working harder, using pushy sales tactics, or putting on some fake sales-persona. You’ll get out of your own way, shed self-doubt and liberate your Inner Child from trauma that sabotages you from attracting high-ticket clients, and magnetize money and opportunities without forcing.

An international best-seller book + Bonuses

Wealth by Soul Design


The entire Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. method laid out for you - a highly profitable, Soul-led, sustainable system with the battle-tested step-by-step marketing and messaging strategies for the ones who know they're meant to lead the human collective. You’ll get: the beautiful 195-page E-book, an Archetype Assessment to help you find your brand voice, self-assessments to clean up misalignments, detailed journal prompts, AND a full Audio-book (narrated by me!)

summary of what you'll find inside

Business Soul Strategy Foundations

30+ hours of self-study trainings - VALUED AT $20,000

💥PREMIUM energetics & MINDSEt

💥land your niche, expertise, method


💥MAGNETIC CONTENT for ideal clients

BONUS: Build a list of premium clients - valued at $1,000

bonus: quantum client attraction - valued at $888

bonus: wealth by soul design + gifts - PRICELESS

THAT'S $21,888+ OF VALUE!

your investment: $2,997

This investment counts towards the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind!

You can watch all pre-recorded video modules at your convenience, they go deeper than your average self-study program. they are also energy-encoded to elevate your frequency.


6 payments of


Choose this payment plan option and receive lifetime access to:

  • Complete curriculum

  • Checklists & transcripts

  • Build Your Premium List bonus

  • Quantum Client Attraction bonus

  • Wealth by Soul Design bonus

  • Pay in Full Special Bonus:

    My Sales Script (simply customize to yourself and start selling with confidence!)

  • Pay in Full Special Bonus #2: Ninja Networking Strategies in person & online (to create 1:1 conversations that convert to high-ticket clients without having to convince anyone).

  • This investment counts towards the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind!


1 payment of


Choose the pay in full option and receive lifetime access to:

  • Complete curriculum

  • Checklists & transcripts

  • Build Your Premium List bonus

  • Quantum Client Attraction bonus

  • Wealth by Soul Design bonus

  • Pay in Full Special Bonus #1: My Sales Script (simply customize to yourself and start selling with confidence!)

  • Pay in Full Special Bonus #2: Ninja Client-Getting Networking Strategies in person & online (to create 1:1 conversations that convert to high-ticket clients without having to convince anyone).

  • This investment counts towards the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind!


1 payment of


Get everything in the pay in full option (including the Special Bonuses):

  • PLUS: Your Soul Design Profit Potential blueprint from Eugenia so you know which expertise and superpowers to focus on and how to profitably position your offer in the marketplace.

    Eugenia will send you a 10-page personalized PDF explaining your Soul Mission, Expertise, energetics, Brand Archetypes, Zone of Genius, Profit Potential.

    This must be redeemed within 2 months of purchase.

  • The $3k of this investment counts towards the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind!

It’s time you start creating YOUR Conscious Future!

Because if you don’t?…

It’s time you create
Conscious Future!

Because if you don’t?…

You will continue to run your business (and life!) as if you are driving with the parking brake on –

feeling the friction while pushing yourself to achieve your dream,

all the while questioning why is this so freaking hard?!?

Listen up, gorgeous! The SECRET is out: Your dream clients are out there, just waiting for you to step into your power and unleash your expertise. Craft a message that cuts through the noise and an offer so irresistible they'll be knocking down your door!

If you’re magnetized to this experience,


Your soul is shouting 'YES' (and deep down, you feel it!)

It's urging you:


Take The Leap.  

It's affirming:

What you desire is ALREADY YOURS. Claim it.



Who is BSSF for?

This is for you if ...

  • You’re a conscious coach who is aspiring to charge higher fees and become visible to your ideal clients online.

  • You are just starting your business and want to get the basics right: positioning, messaging, offer, pricing, sales.

  • You want to unite your innate expertise and all the skills you’ve amassed over the years in a signature high-ticket offer.

  • You desire to uplevel your mindset and frequency to normalize premium and become unapologetically high-end.

  • You’re an action-taker and a spiritually mature human who is responsible for her personal growth, implementation, and results.

This is NOT for you if ...

  • You’re searching for a “fast fix” out of desperation to “make income now” or prove yourself, without any higher vision.

  • You’re not willing to experiment, to go all in and test your message and offer, expecting templated answers.

  • You need to be convinced that money is spiritual, that online visibility is essential, that social media can be effective for biz.

  • You’re looking for “passive income” selling $27 course via an automated webinar or ads without speaking to your audience.

  • You expect to get to $100k+ just by investing here and aren’t willing to do transformational work required for these results.

what other coaches say ...

it worked for them too

Hello, ladies!! Have to share – I just sold my first new high-end package for $3900! Payment came through, in full! Wooooo! So excited. Eugenia, I am so, so, so grateful to you . You are amazing and such a gift. I am blown away by how generous you have been with your time, attention and care in the program! I feel very loved and supported. Thank you! 💖 – Andrea A.

Amazing how you were able to support each of us individually – fabulous group support. It was life changing! Tiny details and aha moments. I am creating my dream business with clarity and confidence, and filling my ‘money buckets’ with my new Future identity! I have such a calmness and peace in me like never before. I have all the tools I need. I know who is my client and what I sell. I charge more. Something finally clicked. Feeling that I can do anything and can create what fits me. – Beth G.

I don’t recognize myself from the person who started this journey 4 months ago! I have learned to “do it scared!” that I am worthy, that I have a gift for the planet in aid of its further development, to love myself and be brave enough to express my inner most passions in my business. I have learned that this inner drive to empower others is my authentic Future self expression. That is so amazing! Focusing my gifts to do the work I came for AND making fabulous money! What a gift! You have given us such valuable tools – last night every time I laid down, I bounced back up with another idea! From everything in me, Eugenia, thank you for all your love, support, wisdom and encouragement. Now to me, to make it happen. – Teresa W.

OMG, I just filled my group!!! Eugenia, thank you so f*cking much! If you didn’t help me to figure out my business strategy, this would have never happened! Before you and I worked together, I was constantly creating new products and offers, and millions of free handouts – with no results! Thank you for showing me how to stop doing all that craziness and stick to 3 things that work! 💖💖 I still can’t believe it – I got exactly as many people into my group as I wanted, all paid in full, and they are all my dream clients! I am freaking out over here!!!! – Jess P.

This is so magical! I’m standing strong in my responsibility for success in my professional life. I welcome abundance as I build my empire! My money is overflowing. My new Future identity feels so great, I am choosing my thoughts, the old habitual stories have been released! Handling business contracts, team interactions, and my leadership on a WHOLE new LEVEL. This is really amazing! The shift for me has been bigger than ever!💕💰💕 – Heidi T.

I’ve been one of these people who push in ALL directions trying to make it work without any system. Working with Eugenia I finally got some structure, launched by coaching practice, and
signed 2 high-end clients – all in the 6 months of working with her! Eugenia won’t take your lower self BS, she will push you to f*cking SHOW UP – for your soul mission, for your business, for your life! Because of her accountability set up I’ve learned a ton and now have a solid business foundation, helping the RIGHT people, and I’m finally MAKING MONEY! – Mila O.

I just sold my first high-end $10,000 package! This first client booking motivated me and brought me more hope about possibilities. Thank you, Eugenia, for helping me see my value and for celebrating with me!! Thank you so much for all of your support!!! 💖💖 This feels great! Super fun, too! I’m celebrating new, easier, more supported ways of being, and new beginnings!!
🚀👑 – Julia-Anna B.

I stopped agonizing about dealing with the business side of Art. My decision is to be myself in that space, where I wasn’t allowing myself to be ME while dealing with money, and in turn I hated that space because I was not myself! So, it is nice to feel flow, open to receive. I am so thankful! Raising my prices, not hiding anymore, speaking about the worth of my work without apology - that's my Future Self! – Dasha A.

WOW!! The realization of just how HUGE this program has been for me, and the impact it will have, is
absolutely mind-blowing! We truly are here to do amazing things with our amazing selves in this lifetime. Thank you so much, Eugenia, for creating this opportunity and having me be a part of it!! I have tears of joy and gratitude for this freedom you have helped me obtain💙💙💙 This was such a life changing, Soul empowering program!! 💜💖💜 When creative flow is present, there is no fear or overwhelm – this is exactly what I felt!! I realized this is what I am stepping into: to fully claim for myself and radiate this into my business to help others. Wow, I am blown away and so super grateful for this experience and the ongoing support!
– Michelle H.

got questions? here's some answers...

I don't know yet what kind of business I want to have...

BSSF is tailored for personal transformation coaches, spiritual experts, and healers. If you've been exploring your skills and intuition with clients, whether through paid sessions or exchanges, and you're seeking clarity on how to focus amidst multiple passions, then BSSF is ideal for you! However, if you're merely exploring avenues beyond a corporate job without a clear direction, this program is not a fit. You need to be certain you want to build an online personal brand as a coach, mentor, or healer.

I am not on social media, will this still work for me?

My process is about helping uplevel into premium market of online coaching. I will give you tools to build your audience from scratch using social media and other tools. Having presence on the social media is a must in the 21st century. Becoming visible online expands you into the global market. Whether you choose to leverage social media as your primary marketing platform or adapt the concepts for live conferences and networking events is entirely up to you.

Are there refunds? Am I guaranteed to get results?

No, there are no guarantees of results with any of my programs and no refunds offered. Establishing and expanding a business requires time, grit, patience, dedication, consistent stepping outside of your comfort zone, and ongoing support and investment — you’re responsible for your results and all of those factors, too. My programs are for people who believe in the inevitability of their success, are dedicated to making it happen, and actively engage in the necessary work. So, come prepared to tackle both external and internal challenges – and you'll achieve the transformation you desire.

How do I get 1:1 access to Eugenia herself?

Direct access to me is in the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind or my exclusive 1:1 offers. If you are just starting, dive into BSSF to kickstart your business momentum, attract your first premium clients, and then you'll be ready to apply for CFM.

I'm not confident in my expertise, will BSSF help with this?

The essence of BSSF is to refine your expertise, find your niche, and develop your signature system – all to boost your confidence and pricing power tenfold. However, you must dive in with initial self-belief and trust in the process! I can't manufacture that for you 😉 BSSF has all the mindset support you need, it will fast-track you to premium clients, ending the cycle of aimless wandering on your own.

Should I do BSSF or see if qualify for CFM?

CFM is best suited if you're already achieving results with clients and ready for more. It is a 5-figure investment that shortcuts your progress to high-ticket market – and installs processes that you can continue using year after year.

If you’re just starting, I’d say this depends on your personality and tenacity. I’ve had clients in CFM who didn’t have high-ticket offers when they joined, some only offered one-off sessions. They did have great results with their clients though. In CFM they were able to get clear on the expertise, methodology, create their first premium offer, and sell a few of these before the 4 months were over! But the disclaimer here is that if you join at this level – prepare to do a lot of groundwork in addition to the high level work – because you’re currently missing the foundational stuff.  

If you’re the type who wants to take some time to build the foundation properly – and then pour the fuel on your fire – jump into BSSF now. It's based on the same material as the CFM – but you are getting the basics only. BSSF is specifically distilled to help you get clear on expertise, niche, message, create first premium offer, and start selling it in alignment to your energetics. It has all the mindset support you need to activate your self-belief, plus a private Facebook group for support.

And the best part – the tuition of $3000 for BSSF is counted towards CFM, so its like you're taking the first semester outside of CFM to get up to speed before you jump onto the spaceship and fly to the future!



There are people you’ve made Soul Contracts with – who need your gifts and want to pay premium for it!

But you need to show up with the right frequency, right strategy and right message so they can find you and become your clients! 

Deep down, you know you're something seriously special – that badass unicorn capable of opening multi-D portals and transforming people’s lives! I'm talking unique gifts and superpowers that could rock this world to its core.  

But what's with the hesitation on unleashing that epic potential and charging premium? Seriously, it's time to ditch the doubts and step into your full-blown, unicorn-level awesomeness!

And those Insta-coaches you've been following – they're out there, living their truth, and cashing in on their magic. And you know what? That's your cue – it's time to own it and join the elite ranks of those who dare to dream big and live even bigger!

But to get there you need to CHOOSE to put yourself FIRST, And step into BSSF now.

summary of what you'll find inside

Business Soul Strategy Foundations

30+ hours of self-study trainings - VALUED AT $20,000

💥PREMIUM energetics & MINDSEt

💥land your niche, expertise, method


💥MAGNETIC CONTENT for ideal clients

BONUS: Build a list of premium clients - valued at $1,000

bonus: quantum client attraction - valued at $888

bonus: wealth by soul design + gifts - PRICELESS

THAT'S $21,888+ OF VALUE!

your investment: $2,997

This investment counts towards the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind!

You can watch all pre-recorded video modules at your convenience, they go deeper than your average self-study program. they are also energy-encoded to elevate your frequency.


6 payments of


Choose this payment plan option and receive lifetime access to:

  • Complete curriculum

  • Checklists & transcripts

  • Build Your Premium List bonus

  • Quantum Client Attraction bonus

  • Wealth by Soul Design bonus

  • Pay in Full Special Bonus:

    My Sales Script (simply customize to yourself and start selling with confidence!)

  • Pay in Full Special Bonus #2: Ninja Networking Strategies in person & online (to create 1:1 conversations that convert to high-ticket clients without having to convince anyone).

  • This investment counts towards the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind!


1 payment of


Choose the pay in full option and receive lifetime access to:

  • Complete curriculum

  • Checklists & transcripts

  • Build Your Premium List bonus

  • Quantum Client Attraction bonus

  • Wealth by Soul Design bonus

  • Pay in Full Special Bonus #1: My Sales Script (simply customize to yourself and start selling with confidence!)

  • Pay in Full Special Bonus #2: Ninja Client-Getting Networking Strategies in person & online (to create 1:1 conversations that convert to high-ticket clients
    without having to convince anyone).

  • This investment counts towards the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind!


1 payment of


Get everything in the pay in full option (including the Special Bonuses):

  • PLUS: Your Soul Design Profit Potential blueprint from Eugenia so you know which expertise and superpowers to focus on and how to profitably position your offer in the marketplace.

    Eugenia will send you a 10-page personalized PDF explaining your Soul Mission, Expertise, energetics, Brand Archetypes, Zone of Genius, Profit Potential.

    This must be redeemed within 2 months of purchase.

  • The $3k of this investment counts towards the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Mastermind!

Ok, you've made it all the way to the bottom of this page - Congratulations.

It is time to be brave and choose the NEXT STEP for your business.

Your Soul is whispering "Yesss!.."

Time to claim your queendom!